Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Name of photographer - Jordan Murph
General focus of portfolio -sports
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - getting off topic,lighting, no meaning in some of photo
list two things the judges like- details, angles/direction
What is your overall impression? For me, I liked it but I would agree that the photographer was getting off topic,and some of their photos had no meaning,while others did.
What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? That he takes great photos.
What do you see as strengths? I saw that the angles that he took the photos at was a strength  because he had some really good photos because of the angles themselves.
 Do you see any weaknesses?
Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
They decided which one of the entries had the best pictures and it came down to Dustin Snips cause all his photos were strong,unlike other entries.

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it. There was one photo in part 1 with a boxer and that picture just spoke for itself.

2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong